JoCat Teaches FFXIV Players How To Utilize Ranged DPS
There’s plenty of educational content out there teaching players all aspects of Final Fantasy XIV, from our guides here on Fanbyte to YouTube videos, Discord servers, databases and walkthroughs which offer detailed knowledge. There’s so much left for them to discover when exploring this grand MMO we all adore – there’s so much waiting out there just waiting to be discovered!
One YouTuber who has always provided us all with the resources we needed for success has never stopped educating and entertaining – that YouTuber being JoCat who creates guides for various roles within a game.
JoCat has recently unveiled his impressive guide devoted to Ranged Physical DPS players. If you need any clarifications regarding Bard, Machinist, or Dancer roles he is here to enlighten and educate!
After recently shifting their focus back onto streaming and having fun in Dungeons & Dragons, this creator offers his first FFXIV video in months aimed at teaching others and improving players. If you are up for learning new tactics for improving gameplay this video should provide ample opportunity. Take note as its sole intention is making you a stronger player!
Patch 6.4 will arrive soon in May and is packed full of exciting content: new quests in the main scenario, Trial, Pandaemonium raid wing 3 completion and Blue Mage abilities! In addition, Eureka Orthos offers plenty of challenges so why not tackle Eureka Orthos using our guides for added assistance?