Reddit mods for Cyberpunk 2077 beg users not to post "outright pornographic material."

Reddit mods for Cyberpunk 2077 beg users not to post “outright pornographic material.”

Reddit mods for Cyberpunk 2077 beg users not to post “outright pornographic material.”


Yes, the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit remains an NSFW “cave of horrors”, provided you define this by scantily dressed or unclad avatars as horror. And if this doesn’t describe your idea of terror – well that’s OK too – each to their own.

Cyberpunk 2077’s subreddit recently switched over to NSFW settings after moderators made an argument that as it’s an adult game dealing with sexual content and gore, its discussion thread should reflect that reality. While their argument may have merited, Reddit mods weren’t impressed and demanded its return; many other subreddits are switching their settings in protest of Reddit API changes as an NSFW subreddit cannot have advertisements placed upon it, negatively affecting Reddit itself and Reddit itself as whole.

Members of the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit have taken drastic action in an attempt to prove their point by posting numerous NSFW images in protest – no doubt difficult for Reddit mods, too, but some individuals have gone too far; moderators had to step in to remind people not to post such material outright pornographic. Unfortunately.

“Guys, please refrain from posting outright porn. However, NSFW content within the context of gaming is acceptable; for example displaying V’s tits is fine as long as I get tagged so I can view them too; but please do note this forum should not be used to post outright porn. r/CyberpunkNSFW provides this NSFW coverage so go all-out. Nothing has changed on our end as far as content can still be posted; only now properly designated as such by designating it as such.”

Did Cyberpunk 2077 fans react with understanding and reason when hearing of this development? Nope. Instead, many were disappointed that an entire 1TB folder has gone through my hands: “Well there goes another 1TB,” wrote KingFlamigo while Tabnam replied with: “Only 1TB? Filthy casual.” And finally TheTenz added, “Porn should be measured in gigabytes”. So how have I come here?

Reddit mods for Cyberpunk 2077 beg users not to post “outright pornographic material.”
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