Salad Fingers creator is developing a video game.

Salad Fingers creator is developing a video game.

Salad Fingers creator is developing a video game.


Salad Fingers was one of my most terrifying childhood fears. Created by master filmmaker and animator David Firth, these animated shorts depict an oddball green man with long fingers who lives alone in an isolated, desert landscape alongside his finger puppet friends – something which often left me terrified as a child.

Over the years, numerous theories have attempted to explain what exactly is going on with Salad Fingers; many speculated about its premise being destroyed due to war while some suggested he is hallucinating everything we see on screen. While trying to ascertain the reality behind Salad Fingers can be fascinating and intriguing at the same time; ultimately it just feels creepy!

So I let out an audible gasp when I read that Firth has switched his focus from animation to game development – although not Salad Fingers-related projects. When speaking with DualShockers about it however, Firth confirmed he will create a PC game featuring Jerry Jackson from one of his old cartoon shows as the focus.

“[This untitled game is] a 2.5D beat-em-up in which everything can be destroyed,” Firth explained. “In school, everything you want can be broken: vending machines, lights off switches and lights bulbs can all be knocked out; people can talk back or be bopped until they bleed and fall over,” and more besides! Firth added. It felt nice; perhaps unnecessary but nonetheless necessary in his world.”

Right now, Firth says his game runs for 15 minutes but once it reaches at least an hour-plus in duration he plans on publishing it via Steam; so keep watching this space.

Salad Fingers creator is developing a video game.
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