Starfield fan reveals how hype keeps them going through depression; community rallies take place.
Mental illness affects us in various forms worldwide and no matter who or where we come from, making life increasingly challenging and impacting on mental wellbeing in different ways.
Each person has his/her own means for managing stress; whether that means visiting the movie theatre, taking a calming walk, reading a book, watching a movie, listening to music or speaking to someone, we each find comfort through various means tailored specifically to us and meeting their individual needs.
Many of us turn to video games to aid our mental wellbeing, whether as momentary distraction or full immersion into a digital realm we love. I believe strongly in the positive influence video gaming can have on mental wellbeing – which is why I am proud ambassador of Safe in Our World, a charity organization who share this view.
Now for today’s story from Reddit. As sad and pathetic as this may sound, Starfield is part of why they keep going and the thread was opened up for discussion about it.
First and foremost, this thread wasn’t sad and pathetic – millions of us feel exactly the same way and it was incredible how open this Reddit user was in an online space that can sometimes have toxic edges. Instead, this reddit thread showcased humanity at its finest by sharing stories as well as love and support to this Starfield fan who was struggling.
“Depression can be cripplingly crippling, yet no need to feel sorry for yourself or label it sad or pathetic; gaming has helped me (and many others) on multiple occasions,” Pseudonymous001 noted. For him personally, gaming served as an escape; Mass Effect III offered that escape. According to Semper299: “Playing Mass Effect trilogy helped immensely and provided friends when sometimes I didn’t. Gaming offers me an escape, connection with fellow nerds, and fun activity to share with wife!”
“I know where you’re coming from; sometimes finding those little pushes forward are key,” shared LCJonSnow.
No need to feel sorry or sorry; instead embrace Starfield as something positive in your life that brings hope, inspiration and enjoyment after going through such hard times.” NODU11 encouraged players to be kind to themselves while showing appreciation for any source of happiness they might find within. I hope you will love playing Starfield; just take care of both yourself and your health when playing!
There have been so many kind comments posted in response to this thread; it truly warms my heart. From personal experience, video games helped keep me sane when the world around me can sometimes seem unbearably harsh and overwhelming. Without video games there would have been no me.
Sometimes we can feel alone and lonely, yet as this Reddit thread proves, people can often surprise you; sometimes even an unknown stranger becomes our helpmate and is there when we need support.
For help and information regarding mental health for yourself or someone close, Safe in Our World and other charity organisations such as Mind, Young Minds and Rethink Mental Illness may provide valuable services.
Never feel less-than when it comes to choosing strategies to manage stress or cope with symptoms of illness or injury, such as gaming. Remember: you all are amazing – so take this chance and start gaming!