Apex Legends Trident bug grants players immunity against damage from enemies.

Apex Legends Trident bug grants players immunity against damage from enemies.

Apex Legends Trident bug grants players immunity against damage from enemies.


Apex Legends tridents provide players with a fast method for traversing Olympus and Storm Point as quickly as possible during matches.

As players look forward to Respawn Entertainment’s Season 18 update, leaks regarding what might be in store have surfaced; one such leak claimed a new map is under development.

Players, some of whom have recently discussed whether the game has passed its prime, have reported experiencing issues related to Trident vehicles during both casual and ranked matches, where those that ride them appear immune from any gunfire directed their way.

Apex Legends Trident bug disrupting matches After discovering it during the final stages of a ranked match, user Davided0880 reported it on Reddit to raise awareness among fellow community members.

Evidently this instance of the bug is far from unique either, with another player immediately reporting: “This happened to me last night!”

Davided0880 suggests the Trident bug may have its source in Fuse’s ultimate attack, which creates an explosion to damage nearby opponents while also revealing their positions. According to this fan theory, players on Trident may have made use of Fuse’s ultimate to do something unexpected–causing some players not to receive gun damage as expected.”

Though the problem has yet to be widespread, another player in this thread claims they heard from an Apex Legends Community Manager that their team was taking action: “I heard from one (Community Manager), so hopefully soon.”

At first, it may be worth conserving ammunition rather than trying to destroy the Trident as it travels across the skies, though piloting one could make your task of becoming the sole survivor much simpler at match’s end.

Check out our Apex Legends weapon tier list to view some of the strongest weapons that players should utilize immediately.

Apex Legends Trident bug grants players immunity against damage from enemies.
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