Starfield fan creates impressive 3D rendering of one of its weapons

Starfield fan creates impressive 3D rendering of one of its weapons

Starfield fan creates impressive 3D rendering of one of its weapons


Fans who’ve spent hundreds of hours playing Skyrim and Fallout 4 cannot wait for Starfield, especially now that we know it will arrive well before Fallout London hits store shelves.

At last month’s Starfield Direct event, would-be interstellar explorers received many answers regarding what awaits them on their voyage through space – from spaceship interiors and planet information, all the way to information on Adoring Fans!

While others have discussed what can reasonably be expected from its early modding scene or added information to a comprehensive document that contains pre-launch details, one fan has produced an incredible 3D render of one of the game’s guns!

Are you eager to experience Starfield’s universe-exploring action for yourself with futuristic weapons in hand?
Reddit user Lazureus, who wants to become an astronaut in real life, recently shared their final design: an impressive 3D rendering of their Refined Eon Pistol shown during June’s Starfield deep dive event.

Lazureus revealed they’ve previously created an art render of Mass Effect’s Raikou pistol but wanted to try their skills at something from more recently released games; Starfield Direct showcase provided enough views of Eon pistol for them to try making an attempt at getting it finished before release of (the) game.”

Since starting their project at the beginning of June, they’ve provided regular updates via an RPF thread on its forums regarding progress on this initiative. RPF offers services dedicated to building models, costumes and props based on popular franchises such as Star Wars or Halo.

Lazureus reported, “I feel I can achieve (about) 80% accuracy for now.” After Starfield is out in stores he plans on creating another prop with complete information regarding a gun which needs making.

They intend to 3D print their gun after making changes to its battery recycling symbol.

No matter if it’s just for fun or for your hobby, making Starfield-related props should always start by following us for helpful guides to its universe and mechanics.

Check out our Mods of the Month selection to discover some incredible Skyrim and Fallout mods which’ll keep you occupied until their release!

Starfield fan creates impressive 3D rendering of one of its weapons
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