Steam's free game offers some extremely polarising reviews.

Steam’s free game offers some extremely polarising reviews.

Steam’s free game offers some extremely polarising reviews.


As is commonly stated, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, especially when it comes to free video games.

PC Steam offers many free video games for download, some better or worse than others. Just because something is free doesn’t mean it should always be seen as beneficial; for instance if someone were to offer me Lord of the Rings: Gollum for free I might still wonder why they hated me so much.

Modern battle royale games tend to be free-to-play with entry costs being offset through in-game purchases; Fortnite and Call of Duty: Warzone have proven this trend over time with two of their most successful video titles (both being F2P). Even PUBG was once free-to-play before changing.

Yet a recent free game on Steam with divisive reviews remains popular despite currently receiving mostly positive ratings – Cygnus Racing League from developers Cygnus Studios LLC is at the centre of it all.

Cygnus Racing League is an indie action racing game currently in early access phase. Based on its gameplay trailer alone, it resembles something between Twisted Metal and F-Zero; visually inspired by PlayStation’s original visual style.

“Across Cygnus lies one of the greatest racing spectacles ever witnessed! The Cygnus Racing League (CRL), established at the dawn of Federation United Planets, features some of the greatest sporting competitions ever held.” In this game’s description it reads that pilots from every corner of Cygnus are gathering to compete for one title; Galactic Champion.

So why is the game being seen as divisive? Well, it appears that not all user reviews contribute positively towards earning it the “Mostly Positive” distinction.

“Cygnus Racing League is another attempt at vehicle-based battle royale gaming, though perhaps none can match ‘Not my Car Battle Royale’ from Forza Horizon games – or at least, that which Steam user jojoman32 describes best.”

Cygnus Racing League boasts an intriguing concept involving spaceship racing in an all-out battle royale race, yet fails miserably at execution; movement and aiming feel terrible and game looks hideous compared to videos suggesting fun gameplay.” They continued:

Even those giving positive ratings often offer critical reviews of some kind – as demonstrated by Steam user Bauble: “Nice gravity racing with guns but unfortunately half the maps crash the game,” they claimed. Additionally, Sony made mention of one positive review as having some degree of irony: “Before I started Cygnus Racing League I had small balls, no friends, depression and no life… however this game seems pretty decent!”

Cygnus Racing League will leave Steam Early Access eventually; when that day arrives, however, it won’t be free anymore – now may be your chance to experience what many have called an “opinionated” title!

Steam’s free game offers some extremely polarising reviews.
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