PlayStation Home is back and will be ready for use very shortly – you’re invited!
Who remembers PlayStation Home? Launched several years after the PlayStation 3’s initial launch (in 2008, to be precise), this virtual social gaming platform allowed users to create custom avatars, decorate their apartments with items purchased through PS Home, play minigames with other gamers online and much more.
PlayStation Home laid out what Mark Zuckerberg envisions for his Metaverse before its shutdown in 2015 – at least before I remember its demise! March 2015 represented an end of an era and while many may have moved onto other things by that point, fans remain devastated over this loss – many asking when its revival could possibly take place again.
So here’s some good news – Sony may still not have started work on its PlayStation Home revival officially yet, but that doesn’t stop dedicated fans working tirelessly behind-the-scenes to bring it about! IGN reports that Destination Home team has been actively making this possible since 2021; their first closed beta test took place successfully earlier this year!
“Home has made such an impactful statement to so many lives!” Destination Home content developer Nagato recently told IGN during an interview: “I know people who met through Home, had kids together after meeting online; others have made long-term friendships through Home; even now I still speak to some longtime [Home] acquaintances from time to time… To me personally seeing how valued and appreciated our project overall is driving force of what motivates me in what I do!”
Destination Home’s team is currently gearing up for another closed beta test: “We have 13 spaces that were hand selected based on feedback from members,” according to Nagato at IGN, adding, “and approximately 100 spaces ready and waiting to be deployed”.
As Destination Home has yet to reach completion, its development team feels it necessary for you to join its Discord server so they can stay informed on updates and beta tests in the near future. If this sounds intriguing to you, be sure to join for future updates or beta tests as they occur!