At Activision’s confirmation, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 players’ progress will carry over into Modern Warfare 3.
Call of Duty has long been considered one of the video gaming industry’s biggest moneymakers, which explains its steady release schedule – usually once or twice annually excepting an occasional delay due to technical or licensing issues.
Call of Duty has unquestionably played an instrumental role in Microsoft’s decision to purchase Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion. Similarly, Sony fought hard not to lose access to Call of Duty from PlayStation consoles until finally both parties came to an agreement between themselves regarding how it should continue on PlayStation consoles – leading them into binding agreement between themselves as publishers of each series!
Now it is no longer any secret that this year’s Call of Duty entry will be Modern Warfare III reboot. Recently we’ve witnessed evidence confirming a returning villain as well as leaks for its weapons and playable Operators.
Activision seems to confirm in their latest Modern Warfare III speculations that weapons, Operators and bundles from MWII will carry over into this year’s title.
A tweet sent from the official Call of Duty Twitter account asked fans if they wanted content brought over for 2023 release, prompting speculation as to which game it might refer to; with leaks and rumor suggesting Modern Warfare III could well be discussed here; additionally social media accounts have reported receiving takedown requests related to leaks related to Modern Warfare III leaks from Activision.
Modern Warfare III may make history when content from Modern Warfare II continues over into it; something never seen in previous Call of Duty sequels before now. One theory suggests this might have something to do with reports claiming this year’s Call of Duty would be an expansion pack to Modern Warfare II; now however it seems it might become its own standalone title instead. Either way, many players will likely welcome not losing items and progress with this year’s release!
At present, Activision has not officially confirmed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III or provided details regarding its release date or price point; hopefully all will become clear in coming weeks.