Players warn of classic Call Of Duty games being infiltrated with hackers.
Over two decades ago, Call of Duty became one of the most successful video game franchises of all time.
From 2003’s humble PC origins of Call of Duty on PC to today’s hugely successful free-to-play battle royale Warzone – and beyond that – everything indicates yet another success this year with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III reboot.
Due to an Xbox matchmaking update, Call of Duty games from years gone by have seen an incredible resurgence of interest from fans looking for classic Black Ops and Modern Warfare action. So should this not be cause for celebration among longtime Call of Duty enthusiasts looking for nostalgic first-person thrills?
Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case for many players as classic Call of Duty games remain “filled with hackers” who ruin everyone’s enjoyment. Unfortunately this has been an ongoing problem within this series for years but you would think by now Activision had found an acceptable solution.
Call of Duty: World at War quickly became one of my favourite titles when released in 2008. Being an enthusiast for CoD multiplayer games, I eagerly put forth my apparent skills against others online – only to become immediately dismayed when players started killing me from beneath rather than on top of the map – something which put an abrupt stop to competitive World at War multiplayer multiplayer for good – not that this means anything other players didn’t experience the same frustration too! Consequently I never returned as it had nothing left for me but just too many more.
Fans of Call of Duty know that hackers pose a constant challenge even in its latest entries, using various techniques including shooting from underneath maps as well as through walls with auto-aim and invisibility cheats to sneakily fire bullets through enemy defenses and shoot from underneath maps as they make their rounds through enemy lines.
Contrary to Activision’s promise of enhanced matchmaking in classic Call of Duty on Xbox, hackers remain active, according to Reddit players. I found out first-hand when joining my first Black Ops match this past weekend; one player managed a helicopter killstreak with just one kill; this occurred within moments after everyone joined up! Strange indeed.
“Even though old Call of Duty titles have been revived, hackers remain active.” ragingseaturtle reported this problem on Reddit.
“I have been switching back and forth among Modern Warfare 2, Modern Warfare 3, Black Ops 3, and BO2 games; BO2 tends to attract hackers the most often but I just switch lobby when this occurs,” reported BobbyJG888. “All three other titles seem pretty decent with no discernible hacker issues present.”
“During my initial game back on MW2 on Xbox, there was one person on my team with an AC-130 bullet gun – leaving no hope to the opposing team!” reported one Reddit user. Since servers have been “fixed”, temetnoscesax has spent 5 hours playing original MW2, encountering only 1 possible hacker (though more likely no more than 1) until now – considering his luck was mostly good during those 5 hours!
Hackers still plague Call of Duty multiplayers almost ten years later, which should come as no shocker to me. Perhaps with Activision fixing matchmaking issues they might finally address the hackers but I won’t hold my breath just yet.