Starfield fans have expressed concerns over its economy following recent price fluctuations and increase.
Starfield fans have expressed deep disquiet with regards to the exorbitant prices of in-game hamburgers. Yes, really.
Up until this point, most concerns about Starfield have revolved around its console performance. Without living under a rock for too long, I’m sure most have heard about how Bethesda’s space-exploration RPG will only operate at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S – this news left some disappointed enough to create petitions in an effort to increase it to 60fps but that likely won’t occur before launch anyway.
Eagle-eyed fans have identified one minute detail which they suspect points towards an imbalanced in-game economy: one delicious Patty Melt is worth 295 credits on Reddit; however, when compared with one spaceship (Ecliptic Stiletto II in particular) having an estimated price tag of 19,054 credits this seems somewhat out-of-whack with expectations.
Others on Reddit believe we might be underestimating its worth: Str-Dim made this observation; Lwmons agreed, commenting “a good Patty Melt is absolutely worth it”, while amazingdrewh added: They’re really delicious Patty Melts”.
There may be changes between now and release that affect in-game prices; on balance though, I wouldn’t worry too much. Now though I really want one of those Patty Melts!