Video game The Last Of Us Part 2 is hailed for its graphics
The Last of Us Part II, whether you love it or dislike it for many reasons is considered one of the greatest video games of all-time.
The original “The Last of Us” was released in 2013, towards the end of PlayStation 3’s lifespan. It pushed it to the absolute limit. Naughty Dog is the developer of Uncharted. The story was set in a world where Mother Earth has been devastated by the Cordyceps Virus, making humans into mutants who exist only to spread the virus.
Ellie and Joel are at the center of this story. Joel is an ex-family man who has become a ruthless drug smuggler. He’s been tasked to protect Ellie, 14, from one end of the United States and deliver her to the Fireflies, a rebel organization. Ellie is thought to be the key for humanity’s future, and Joel, a family man turned ruthless smuggler, must protect her from one side of the United States to the next, delivering her safely to a rebel group known as the Fireflies.
The Last of Us is a story that was told so well that not only did it become a TV show from HBO, which was released this year but we also got a follow-up in 2020 on PlayStation 4, with The Last of Us Part II.
Like the game of 2013, , The Last of Us Part II would be one of PS4’s final major exclusives. It was designed to push the console’s limits. To avoid spoilers I will not go into the story, but it is stunning visually, especially considering that this game was developed on last-gen hardware.
The PlayStation 5 new-gen upgrade made the game look and play better than ever. The game now runs smoothly at 60fps and looks better.
Reddit users have discussed that The Last of Us Part II, which was released over three years back, is one of today’s best looking video games. Reddit user, Alive-Ad-4164 started the thread discussion by posting tweets from DomTheBomb.
It’s been only three years. Redditor, toldya_fareducation said: “But yes it looks fantastic. Naughty Dog is a great team.” WattsonRules added, “The last of Us Part II looks better on my PS4 Pro than many PS5 games.” Even Uncharted 4 looked brand-new. Revealingstorm replied, “I’m playing it right now for the very first time.”
Insiders claim that Last of Us Part III is coming sooner than anticipated, and it’s being designed for PlayStation 6.
The Last of Us Part II has been released for PlayStation. The Last of Us Part I, the remake of original game, is now available for PCs and PS5.