Download The Elder Scrolls for free now! No subscription required
The Elder Scrolls fans can download multiple games for free right now. The best part? There’s no need to subscribe.
The Elder Scrolls VI, perhaps second only to GTA VI in terms of anticipation is no secret. Bethesda has been hard at work developing Starfield. This means The Elder Scrolls VI is still quite a long time away.
There are plenty of freebies to keep you going. You can now claim a copy of Elder Scrolls Online for free by heading over to Epic Games Store. You’ll need to create an Epic Account if you do not already have one. Then, you can download the game anytime between July 27 and now.
If that’s not enough, then you can use that download to access even more free content. Epic Games and Bethesda announced that they have a partnership with Bethesda to offer free content for The Elder Scrolls Online players who have The Elder Scrolls Online. The Elder Scrolls Onlineis free at the moment? It all works out.
Free downloads of Sigil Back Bling for Fornite will be available to Elder Scrolls Onlineplayers who claimed the game during the promotion. The cosmetic can be obtained at any time after July 27, if you purchase the MMORPG. However, I don’t know why anyone would do this when the game is free. You like to spend money that you do not need? You don’t have to tell me about your life.
A dataminer uncovered further Elder Scrolls for Fortniteitems. This suggests that the new items could be released sooner than expected. Keep an eye on this.