Starfield players are already standing up for the bugs in their game

Starfield players are already standing up for the bugs in their game

Starfield players are already standing up for the bugs in their game


It’s impossible to know how a game will run before it launches. Some issues that are visible in the trailers of a game may not be present in the finished product. Other bugs, however, can sneak through and surprise players when the release date arrives.

Matt Booty said last month that even though Bethesda’s RPG Starfield was released immediately, it would have the “fewest bugs” that Bethesda had ever shipped. The devs have over a week left before the launch date, so they still have plenty of time to fix any bugs. However, some fans are still expecting the game to have .


Others have defended the game and said that some bugs are worth it for such a vast, immersive universe. On the subreddit r/Starfield, schulera argues that Bethesda’s games are bugged for a good reason.

They wrote: “I’m constantly seeing posts that Starfield is going to be buggy or that Bethesda engine is terrible and outdated.” I think that many gamers forget that games such as Skyrim or Fallsout make the user feel immersed in the world.

Then they continued, “I believe Bethesda games were buggy in the past because [they] do what other games fail to[do][and] […] created a completely immersive world which grants me freedom to approach the game however I want. It’s just that other games with more restrictions on freedom are able to eliminate bugs and glitches much easier. “I hope Starfield does not have many bugs, but I also want it to be as immersive or even more so than the previous titles [.] So in an odd way I’m hoping for more bugs.”

Other people feel the same way: “I can tolerate the occasional bug as long as it runs smoothly on PC. Some PC games are really badly optimised. “Hopefully it will perform well on PC, like previous titles from Bethesda,” GoodVibesGoodLife001 responded. I’m expecting some bug. There’s just no way that there will be none. The game’s so big, there isn’t any chance of it not having bugs. “I don’t really care,” said conkeee. Glad to hear some positive comments about this subject. The buggy nature is also appealing to me. “I like it really,” said Aworldalone1.

Starfield will launch on the 6th of September. However, its Early Access period begins on the 1st September.

Starfield players are already standing up for the bugs in their game
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