Government official swears that aliens are real, and they’ve been seen by him.
It is estimated that 100 billion planets live in the Milky Way, which has a diameter of 52.850 light-years.
It’s reasonable to assume that Earth doesn’t have life or an ecosystem. It is impossible that there are not other civilisations out of the 100 billion planets.
No concrete proof has been found that aliens are real or even exist. We’ve all heard alien abduction testimony from Randy Marsh, and perhaps even seen Netflix documentary evidence. As far as we know, no evidence has ever been recorded of an alien.
reports that in the United States, a former officer of military intelligence named David Grusch, is currently testifying in front a Congressional Subcommittee that for years, the government covered up evidence that proved extraterrestrials existed.
It’s important to remember that Grusch did not see evidence of aliens, but rather heard about them from his colleagues and other experts during his tenure at the Pentagon. According to the ‘whistleblower,’ those he spoke with have either seen an alien or alien spacecraft.
David Fravor, a former US Navy member, and Ryan Graves were also present at the hearing. Fravor, a former Navy pilot claimed that he saw an alien craft move with high speed above the Southern California coastline in 2004. This incident is known as the “Tic Tac” incident. Graves is also a retired Navy pilot who gave an account of sightings over the East Coast between 2014 and 2015.
Grusch also claims that the US Government has salvaged alien spacecrafts to reverse-engineer and research to improve its military technology. In the course of his official duties, he revealed that he was made aware of an extensive UAP program (Unexplained Anomalous Phenomenon), which involves reverse engineering and crash recovery.
Grusch claimed his stories came from individuals with “a track record of service and legitimacy to this nation” and that they provided “compelling proof”, such as official documents and photos. He also said that the US Government is in possession alien dead bodies that were from crashed spacecraft.