Starfield delay applauded for avoiding Cyberpunk 2077 mistakes
Strange to think that had Starfield released on time we could already be enjoying its addictive gameplay for over eight months already – though its fans seem skeptical that would have been beneficial.
“Delayed games tend to become good over time; rushed ones remain forever bad.” This quote, often attributed to Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto but its exact source remains elusive; speculation suggests it might actually have come from Nintendo Life magazine instead! No matter its source or authorship; Starfield fans remain confident the delay might help avoid its disastrous release date.
“I am beyond ecstatic! And so grateful Bethesda delayed Starfield to prevent an Anthem-type situation from playing out – No Man’s Sky, Marvel Avengers Alliances Avengers Battlefield 2042 Redfall,” Reddit user Lymbasy posted.
Others agree: Cyberpunk’s launch disaster sent shockwaves through the industry and most anticipated games started seeing at least one major delay – almost like that was enough to break customer confidence and publishers realized how frustrated people had become – CAG1889 mentioned. Microsoft may wish for nothing similar happen there too!
Cyberpunk 2077 was also delayed multiple times before finally coming out in December 2020. While its initial release date had been set as 16 April, 2020 it was eventually delayed multiple times before eventually arriving on 10 December despite still having numerous issues on older consoles and could have used some extra development time in its creation. While delays often result in games becoming more polished when released later on they still don’t guarantee they will actually hit shelves at their full potential state.
On a similar note, many Starfield fans are asking gamers to avoid oversaturating themselves with expectations for this title in order to prevent disappointment in regards to unrealistic features that will never actually appear within it. Although keeping calm about an intensely anticipated title like Starfield can prove challenging at times.
Starfield will officially debut on 6 September; early access starts 1 September.