Steam Freebie: three popular wargames can now be downloaded free!
No one likes turning down free gifts! And that certainly goes for video game DLC downloads as well! But we should all agree on one thing; free is often too good of an offer to pass up.
Every once in awhile it can be nice to receive freebies such as PlayStation Plus, Xbox Game Pass, the Epic Games Store or Steam; especially during times of hardship when money might be tighter than usual.
Steam’s latest giveaway of free video game goodness includes an impressive real-time strategy series called World of Warships, World of Tanks and World of Warplanes from publisher Wargaming – so there’s lots for us all today to take advantage of.
World of Warships offers two free downloads; first is the “25 Years of Wargaming” DLC pack featuring one Tactical Special Container and three Steam and three Smouldering Fire expendable camouflages as well as its patch symbol for World of Wargaming – this includes one Tactical Special container! In addition, there’s the “World of Wargaming Patch Symbol.”
Wargaming Party DLC pack for World of Tanks comes complete with one day of Premium Account access and two Personal Reserves providing 50% bonus to Combat XP per hour, in addition to 200% bonuses in Free and Crew XP respectively for one hour of gameplay.
World of Warplanes fans will also get treated to an exclusive DLC pack: Bleriot-SPAD S.510 DLC pack, featuring French Tier II fighter Bleriot-SPAD S.510 as well as an additional Hangar slot that lets them store it along with fully trained pilot, exclusive paint scheme providing additional tactical advantage, three days Premium account access.
If free DLC packs for three massive RTS games aren’t enough, don’t despair: Epic Games has announced two critically-acclaimed titles as giveaways until today – don’t miss them! Additionally, Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscription service recently received rave reviews among gamers as an amazing ’10/10′ addition that many cannot stop talking about!
If you wish to claim all three free DLC packs in World of Warships, Tanks and Warplanes, make sure that you act quickly – this offer only runs between August 2 and 8 2023! Don’t risk disappointment and act soon or you could end up disappointed by being left behind!