Apex Legends players who take advantage of an Apex Legends glitch and clip inside walls could encounter issues while trying to play.

Apex Legends players who take advantage of an Apex Legends glitch and clip inside walls could encounter issues while trying to play.

Apex Legends players who take advantage of an Apex Legends glitch and clip inside walls could encounter issues while trying to play.


Apex Legends offers players multiple characters and mechanics with which to avoid becoming victims during matches of this popular battle royale game, providing many ways to stay alive during any Apex Legends match and remain competitive against rival teams.

As excitement builds ahead of Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale’s release of Season 18, players dropping into Respawn have begun sharing their favourite weapons from Season 17. Additionally, one user believes this season could include the destruction of at least one map.

Unfortunately, certain players have taken their evasion skills to another level by exploiting an apparent bug allowing them to merge inside walls, becoming invisible to potential threats in their vicinity.

After witnessing it during a recent ranked match, user Thegreatjimmy124 took to Reddit in order to demonstrate this exploit in action. Opening fire with their weapons allowed one of his opponents to walk right through a nearby wall without penalty!

As evident from this post’s comments, this instance of player disappearing is far from unique. One user in this thread reported it happened once to them as well; their solution being using Thermite Grenades quickly to resolve it.

Another player joked, “These rat spots are getting ridiculous.” Rat spots are used frequently in ranked matches to quickly advance to the latter stages, without needing to score many eliminations themselves. Capturing one of these spots — from dense brush or tight corners of the map – may provide players an easy path into final stages without being eliminated too frequently.

Respawn Entertainment will likely address this glitch within their upcoming seasonal update to address it and ensure players can take cover inside walls again. However, its exact cause remains unknown at present. Considering taking cover inside walls wasn’t intended as part of Apex Legends initially.

At present, it would be wise for players to remain wary of anyone standing too near structures during casual and ranked matches – being unaware could lead to unexpected bullet hits from unexpected places!

While you wait, take a peek at our Apex Legends weapon tier list that showcases some of the top weapons to use now!

Apex Legends players who take advantage of an Apex Legends glitch and clip inside walls could encounter issues while trying to play.
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