Xbox System Update Brings New, Annoying Features

Xbox System Update Brings New, Annoying Features

Xbox System Update Brings New, Annoying Features


Microsoft recently unveiled an update for Xbox that may change our lives irreparably; at least if you’re as perpetually lazier as me.

Xbox and PlayStation are regularly unveiling updates with innovative new features designed to make our lives simpler, which is always welcome. But at what cost if they make things too easy? Where will that end up taking us?

Microsoft is testing out a feature currently being rolled out by Xbox to address this very question. As reported by The Verge’s Tom Warren, Xbox is testing an option allowing you to pair accessories and controllers without getting up from your seat – an enticing change for those of us shackled to our chairs but hoping for some exercise while pairing accessories or controllers with consoles! Previously we would need to leave comfort of home to press pairing button; an exercise routine few can resist!

Once this new feature leaves Alpha and rolls out to everyone over time, we’ll soon be able to pair devices without going anywhere near a button on console – as can be seen below!

Of course I’m kidding when I claim this update will destroy lives, as many gamers have shared similar sentiments: that getting up to pair our controller may be one of only few opportunities during an especially unproductive gaming binge to encourage movement.

But this feature represents an immense accessibility improvement for gamers unable to physically make it over to their console in order to pair a new controller, so I am glad it will soon arrive.

Starfield fans on Xbox are bracing themselves for what may be a major day one patch for their sci-fi RPG, though regardless of preorder status; many still fear there might be significant bug fixes included as part of it.

Xbox System Update Brings New, Annoying Features
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