GTA 6 fans who worry that “woke culture” could ruin the game are rather ridiculous in their concern about this issue, given how easily accessible alternative views of society exist within games like GTA 6.
GTA VI fans seem split over Rockstar’s forthcoming game, with some believing it may be too “woke” for enjoyment.
Grand Theft Auto’s popularity rests upon its offensive humor and dramatic violence; no social or political group was spared its scornful ridicule.
Rockstar Games have consistently explored new frontiers of satirical comedy through caricatures of real people or groups or an abundance of in-game commercialism that parodies real business practices.
Now however, Rockstar seems to be selecting their targets more carefully in an effort to not offend any particular groups, which many fans perceive as the company caving to “woke culture”.
GTA VI’s female protagonist being leaked triggered a firestorm from some idiots who believed only men should play main characters in GTA games.
Reddit user TheThotality posted to inquire: “What’s up with GTA VI and the complaints about its being too “woke””, calling attention to another post mocking gamers that might skip out if its unreleased title contained such humor.
Commenters were quick to respond; with some explaining Rockstar’s move toward more satirical humor while others ridiculing those critical of it all by citing prior entries as proof that Rockstar has long been progressive; only now do people really care.
One critic pointed to the game’s attempts not to discriminate against minority groups and the presence of an apparently Latina female lead character as two major reasons behind criticism for it.
These individuals also expressed concerns that Rockstar was moving too close to becoming too politically correct; some of this group believe GTA series’ appeal lies in making fun of people of various identities; with these changes intended to appeal to an audience which wouldn’t buy GTA VI anyways.”
One person commented, stating, “My favorite aspect of this “controversy” is how, after spending five minutes exploring GTA V or IV and its culture/commercials/movies; all are very woke despite not existing as an expression/term 10 years prior when 5 was released.”
GTA VI’s release date remains unclear; Rockstar publisher Take-Two Interactive has hinted at an eventual 2025 launch, though we still don’t have an in-depth glimpse of gameplay leaks outside of GTA Online and can expect its reveal either this year or the following one.
GTA VI will be released for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC platforms when its debut occurs.