PlayStation Plus subscribers currently have access to 47 free downloads available right now!

PlayStation Plus subscribers currently have access to 47 free downloads available right now!

PlayStation Plus subscribers currently have access to 47 free downloads available right now!


Sony’s PlayStation Plus service continues to flourish with regular releases of fresh content bursting through each month.

PS Plus offers plenty of value across its three subscription tiers. From adding games to an already expansive library to free DLC and trial offers that could save money, there’s always something new and worthwhile waiting to be unlocked with every subscription tier.

Although demos were once plentiful and available to everyone for free, many have gone the way of subscription services like Sony’s on PlayStation. Not to say demos don’t exist – because they do – but I think we all agree they don’t take up as much free real estate like they once did.

But one advantage of PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers’ trials is keeping saved progress and any Trophies unlocked regardless of whether you decide to buy the full game or not. Trial times typically range from just an hour for Hogwarts Legacy up to five for Cyberpunk 2077; and more extensive titles offer longer trials that let subscribers test before purchasing full titles like Batman Arkham Knight: Dark Night Rises or Injustice 2.

So what trials are available to PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers right now? Keep in mind that this number will fluctuate; at the time of writing this article PS Plus Premium members could access 47 trials without incurring an extra cost.

These PlayStation Plus trials consist of:

PlayStation Plus subscribers currently have access to 47 free downloads available right now!
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