Hogwarts Legacy Azkaban DLC is an exciting next step and fans love its addition.

Hogwarts Legacy Azkaban DLC is an exciting next step and fans love its addition.

Hogwarts Legacy Azkaban DLC is an exciting next step and fans love its addition.


Hogwarts Legacy was released early this year to give fans of Harry Potter an immersive Wizarding World experience.

Hogwarts Legacy takes place during the 1890s – long before Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them or Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone were even written! You take on the role of an individual entering Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during its fifth year, much to everyone’s astonishment! Tutors also witness your arrival with disbelief!

Hogwarts Legacy on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S was an instantaneous hit when first released – its captivating story campaign, side activities and exploring Hogwarts are an irresistibly captivating experience – yet now six months since launch it seems there might be room for improvement with regard to DLC content being added by developers Avalanche Software.

Redditors on Reddit have been discussing what they would like to see next in Hogwarts Legacy. “I would really enjoy an expansion with Azkaban as its central plotline,” began Redditor Dis7urbios as she opened up discussion in this thread, before giving fair warning that there may be spoilers present herein.

“They could introduce Expecto Patronum as a new spell and Dementors as enemies while creating more sinister narrative around Azkaban,” they suggested, while simultaneously expanding upon existing parts such as Azkaban, Aurors from that age, possibly some new dark threat, etc. It would provide plenty of story potential while providing new items into gameplay such as Ministry of Magic Aurors from that era, etc.

“That would be amazing! And an explorable Gringotts filled with rollercoasters would also be awesome,” replied Ogojo, and Chaplain92 added that five points could go to Slytherin.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 promises romance options, making Avalanche Software’s action RPG untouchable by even Baldur’s Gate 3.

Hogwarts Legacy has officially arrived for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox users; following several delays it is now expected to release for Nintendo Switch users on 14 November 2023.

Hogwarts Legacy Azkaban DLC is an exciting next step and fans love its addition.
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