Baldur's gate 3 feels almost too overwhelming

Baldur’s gate 3 feels almost too overwhelming

Baldur’s gate 3 feels almost too overwhelming


You’re also hooked on Baldur’s Gate 3, huh? has broken Steam’s concurrent player record, making Larian Studio’s latest RPG adventure one of the world’s most popular games. Baldur’s Gate 3 is a game of the Year contender and likely winner in the making. It has also become the surprise mainstream hit in 2023, much like Elden Ring did in 2022.

As with last year’s hype, I was largely unaware of the excitement surrounding Baldur’s gate 3 during its early access and pre-release period. However, in the final weeks leading up to its launch you could tell that Larian had been working hard on something very special. As soon as the first reviews, opinion pieces, and almost universal acclaim started to appear, my curiosity took over. I had to find out what all the excitement was about.

The Forgotten Realms was my first stop after spending what seemed like an eternity downloading Baldur’s Gate 3 to my Steam Deck. I then spent a few more eons crafting my character so that he looked like a white man. After a fun tutorial, I was able to get to know the combat system and mechanics of the game. But once my Nautiloid crashed landed in the Forgotten Realms itself, problems began to appear.

Baldur’s Gate 3 was based off of D&D, and it’s the real-life experience of playing the iconic RPG that inspired the game. So, the play choices are the most crucial part. The players should have the freedom to use their abilities and moves in creative and innovative ways. They can also find shortcuts for certain situations. Baldur’s Gate is a great example of how role-playing can be.

It’s a problem that keeps me from achieving a positive outcome. I keep second-guessing whether I handled the situation in the right way. In my current campaign I have already accidentally irritated a pair of siblings who were mourning the loss of their master. I was told to leave by a huge owlbear and I may even ruin a relationship with a pet dog after I informed him that his master had died. Baldur’s Gate 3 didn’t have that in mind, but it became a reality. I accidentally upset a sibling duo who were grieving their fallen master. A massive owlbear told me to leave. And if not for my telling him his master died, then I could ruin a friendship with he dog.

Baldurs Gate 3 gave me the same feeling as Persona 5 Royal when I started it. I was using save-scumming because I could not read on a bus or train. Persona 5 has a much more linear choice system than Baldur’s Gate 3. I have started saving here to avoid playing the same sections repeatedly in order to achieve a different result. It’s not that I want to use guides, because the fun of this game is the discovery you make and the role playing it brings, but it feels like I am bumbling through the Realms.

It’s almost overwhelming to continue playing Baldur’s Gate 3 at this stage, because I’m afraid of making more bad choices and mistakes. I don’t see an end to it. It’s possible that this is all part of the Baldur’s Gate 3 experience and I have to let go a little control to truly appreciate everything it has to offer. But you can bet I will return at least once more to make Scratch my friend. Sorry I had to smack you in the head, but love that boi.


Baldur’s gate 3 feels almost too overwhelming
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