Starfield reviews are already out, and they confirm what the fans had been hoping

Starfield reviews are already out, and they confirm what the fans had been hoping

Starfield reviews are already out, and they confirm what the fans had been hoping


First impressions of Starfield have been leaked everywhere, with all of them praising Bethesda’s space exploration.

Starfield is an Xbox and PC-exclusive that has been under a great deal of pressure to be successful.

Fans have eagerly awaited the first reviews since the early versions of the game was released. They are anxious to find out if it’s as good as the hype suggests. And so far that appears to be true.

The embargo on this game prevents specific details from being shared, but reviewers are able to share their thoughts about the quality of the game and its performance. They all say extremely good things.

A Twitter user named @NikoMueller posted a summary of the details about , saying.

The final product is better than the presentation

Gorgeous environments

So far, no bugs

Distance to draw a line

Interiors with lots of detail”

Fans are most interested in the fact that there were no bugs.

Tyler McVicker confirmed this, saying that he’s played the game for 15 hours and hasn’t yet encountered any bugs. This is a remarkable feat, especially for Bethesda titles, known for their fair share of glitches, bugs and performance problems.

It’s great news, as many fans were worried that Starfield would have a lot of performance issues due to its open-world. Xbox has reassured fans by promising Starfield would have the least bugs found ever in a Bethesda game. They even pushed the developer to defer the release of the title by one year.

Before the release of the game, several updates were released to make sure that it was polished to perfection.

Starfield has been a success so far. While some fans remain sceptical and resentful that it may not be awarded the 2023 Game Of The Year, most are eager to dive in and explore its galaxy, bugs and no bugs.

Starfield is set to launch for Xbox One and PC on September 6th. However, fans of the Constellation Edition will have access to the game as early as September 1st.

Starfield reviews are already out, and they confirm what the fans had been hoping
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