Hogwarts Legacy fans are concerned about the future of the game following a the recent events

Hogwarts Legacy fans are concerned about the future of the game following a the recent events

Hogwarts Legacy fans are concerned about the future of the game following a the recent events


Is no news, good news? When it comes to the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy is difficult to decide. The tongues are buzzing on Reddit when fans start to be concerned that information about the forthcoming release isn’t surfacing at the moment, specifically after the Nintendo Direct with no updates.

One Redditor is expressing concern over this issue because “I do a scan about every month to see whether the game is up for pre-orders on the eShop but somehow after two months of launch, it not.”

The old saying may be real that the game itself is improving and polishing to be ready for the Nintendo release. It is after all an expansive open-world experience that is filled with all sorts of magic, lots of NPCs and those glistening features of The Wizarding World. It could be that the game is in good state but the creator simply doesn’t have any new features to display?

It’s not a surprise that we’ve watched the sport before. We’re familiar with what it’s about. A little bit of nervousness is to be expected given it could go badly and there could be certain nerves that are showing off.

The Redditor continues to ask the authenticity of updates on social media, because there’s no doubt that it’s a bit odd that such a well-known game isn’t overhyped as we move closer to the release date.

The speculation is in the air, with answers ranging from “The game won’t appear good” and “If mainline consoles weren’t able to run smoothly, how do you believe that the Switch could?” There’s even a bit of hope in some remarking that “Maybe the game will be delayed into the next year’s next generation of Switch 2 hardware?” It’s only a matter of time before we get this one, as we’re excited to get our hands on this highly-rumoured Switch 2.

Whatever the reasons behind Hogwarts Legacy having a non-show the fans are able to take comfort in the knowledge that, while there’s not been much bad news, there isn’t any negative information. The game’s scheduled to be released before the Christmas holiday however, the creators are evidently making another installmentalready.


Hogwarts Legacy fans are concerned about the future of the game following a the recent events
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