Mortal Kombat 1's shockingly poor Switch port has fans requesting the return of their money

Mortal Kombat 1’s shockingly poor Switch port has fans requesting the return of their money

Mortal Kombat 1’s shockingly poor Switch port has fans requesting the return of their money


The players who purchased Mortal Kombat 1 on Nintendo Switch have reportedly begun seeking refunds, citing the graphically shocking game as the reason.

A Nintendo Switch release aside, Mortal Kombat 1 has proven to be an important achievement for NetherRealm. Its Xbox version is currently sporting scores of 88 points and it’s PlayStation 5 version sits slightly in the middle by a score of 85. Many critics have gone even further saying that it is the best Mortal Kombat to date’ and that’s high review. It’s not the same about this Nintendo Switch version of the game however. It’s definitely ambitious to run a game of the future on a console the same age and dimensions. Even though the Switch graphics are (sorry to be blunt) awful, they’re fairly expected.

The Switch version does not have a Metacritic score at the moment currently, because there is only one review posted. Nintendo Life rated the game with a low 40, however, saying, “There is a problem with frame rates and big resolution drops in input and timing issues due to performance declines and missing content, game breaking glitches within Invasion mode, lengthy loading times and inflexible menus.”

Yikes. There are a lot of photos on social networks of the game being played. It’s not funny, but it’s pretty hilarious. They certainly sport an ‘eyes dead type of face. “The MK Switch version is just plain disrespectful.” wrote one user on Twitter. “Awwww what a joke. If I played Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch I’d request the refund right away,” added another.

This is the way many people are acting. “They have made sure to not reveal this game’s playing on the Switch prior to the launch date,” noted one player. There is no confirmation of whether players are able to get refunds. We can only hope for better results as Hogwarts Legacy is released on consoles in November but I’m not going to hold my breath for.


Mortal Kombat 1’s shockingly poor Switch port has fans requesting the return of their money
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