A Fallout 76 cancelation is floated by Xbox director Phil Spencer
A recently discovered court document is revealing that Xbox director Phil Spencer considered shutting the Fallout 76 gamedown due to its unpopular response.
An array of recently discovered emails suggests that Spencer was prepared to end the game for the action-RPG Fallout 76due due to fears that it was not reaching player goals. In 2021, the emails reveal that Spencer was contemplating closing the game in case the game didn’t reach 10 million average monthly users. It was fortunate to reach the goal.
This announcement comes following the massive leak related with the Microsoft lawsuit against. FTC court case. In addition to revealing details of an upcoming Xbox handheld console as well as a the new Xbox Series X model as well as that there is a possibility of Fallout 3 as well as Oblivionremaster. While the documents leaked could be viewed by the public through the website of the court, the majority of them have been removed. However, not before the savvy fans discovered that there was a possibility of Dishonoured 3. but.
The messages in question revolved on the idea of bringing Fallout 1976to PlayStation Now, the subscription service today referred to as PlayStation Plus. The addition of titles to PlayStation Now is a great method to increase visibility, and Spencer appeared to be in agreement with the emails, even though he initially had reservations concerning the Fallout 76’sperformance.
“I do not know what makes me feel differently regarding F76 who is so open for discussion with us,” he writes. “In my eyes, F76 is at this fascinating position. It was evident that it started off rough. The team is determined to improve and find a more people to reach. It seems like we need to get this project to 10 million users across all platforms, or choose to end the project. If you think PSNow will help it gain importance, I’ll be supportive.”
Due to the launch in the Fallout series: Wastelandersin the month of April, with all-new content added to the core game the RPG was able to reach the goal of 2021 thanks to its popularity on the currently PlayStation Plus. With both its player base and the game’s popularity growing day by day, it appears like it was an incredibly good chance of success.
The news comes just one week after the leaked trailer for the teaser to The Fallout TV series dropped.