Red Dead Redemption 2 Gunsmith Mod allows players to create and run their own business.
Red Dead Redemption 2 has quickly become one of the greatest video games ever produced, yet its story content often falls short. One modder found an ingenious way to add additional content: they added new weapons as part of an ambitious addition that adds even more features into gameplay.
Red Dead Redemption 2 provides you with all your cowboy, gunslinging dreams – from racing horses across barren lands and drinking at local saloons, to robbing banks. Now thanks to one mod from Nexus Mods by Bolmin, players can also run their own gunsmith business! Their Gunsmith Business mod allows players to run a shop, take part in supply runs, fight bandits off when necessary, decide price/paycheck amounts as well as maintain an excellent reputation while running it successfully.
Armed robberies have long been available for purchase in Valentine, Annesburg and Saint Denis; since the 0.3.1 update you are also able to buy gunsmith shops in Rhodes and Tumbleweed. Once you’ve saved up enough money to buy one of the shops available for purchase in Valentine, Annesburg or Saint Denis you simply head there when ready. When purchasing it from there is another requirement; note though that one shop at any one time can only ever be owned at a time; its mod page provides instructions for running its operation including maintaining store budgets while ordering supplies while trying to avoid greedy bandits while picking up and picking up stock as part of its operations while trying to avoid greedy bandits who try and gain entrance by managing store budgets while trying not owning multiple shops simultaneously!
Your reputation should also be kept under review – similar to Red Dead Redemption 2’s honour system – with goods at competitive prices and happy employees leading to positive feedback for your shop. Any mismanagement could damage it drastically.
Rockstar Games has introduced another exciting update for their 2018 action-adventure title Red Dead Redemption 2. Fans who enjoyed experiencing Red Dead Redemption again wish for its return, so adding new and engaging features keeps its storyline relevant until we (hopefully!) hear news of Red Dead Redemption 3.