Mortal Kombat 1’s 89-hit combo lasts nearly one full minute – borders on bullying!
One player’s attempt at bullying online video gaming resulted in an incredible 89-hit combo, likely leaving their opponent speechless and crying with fury.
Mortal Kombat 1 was recently released this month as the 12th installment in its popular fighting game series (I know – strange). Here, players can explore the Kameo System, which allows users to call other characters into acting. The Kameo system introduces new ways to beat opponents, including “juggling” them through combo attacks or calling in allies from within an ensemble cast to perform actions against an enemy character.
At least one player took this knowledge and ran with it – Jarrad “NinjaKilla212” Gooden of Mortal Kombat fame took advantage. Recently taking to Twitter, this professional player shared video footage showing their success at pulling off an 89-hit combo against Shang Tsung using Ground Skulls fireballs to repeatedly strike Baraka in the air with Ground Skulls fireballs while Scorpion was then brought in for extra damage: NinjaKilla asked Tsung: “Your opponent hit you with this in the tournament, what are you doing?” “Your opponent hit you with this in the tournament; what are you doing?” asked NinjaKilla with Scorpion summoned. Scorpion further asks. “Your opponent hits you with this in the tournament; what are you doing?” asked NinjaKilla.
If you hope to emulate his footsteps, remember that an 89-hit combo may not be within the grasp of casual players. This feat is only accomplished through the professional playing of Mortal Kombat 1. However, it would still be worthwhile giving it a shot; since its release, Mortal Kombat 1 has received praise for its new Kameo system, fluid combat style, and improved strategies that have earned it “a mostly positive” rating on Steam.
Though Mortal Kombat 1 for Nintendo Switch features less-than-satisfying visuals, critics are taking issue with its price of $70 as it remains comparable with other platforms. Furthermore, players on the go may experience low-quality characters with eyes popping out. Yet these negative reviews still exist even though Mortal Kombat 1 remains on sale despite these difficulties on Nintendo’s handheld consoles.