PlayStation gamers should immediately modify settings in order to avoid potential error and possible harm to the console.

PlayStation gamers should immediately modify settings in order to avoid potential error and possible harm to the console.

PlayStation gamers should immediately modify settings to avoid potential errors and possible harm to the console.


Privacy online can be paramount and even result in information being stolen and sold online.

Therefore, it is vitally important to have a solid password and change it regularly. However, changing it won’t guarantee protection against data being stolen entirely, changing passwords regularly could significantly lower the risk. There are password manager apps that offer near-impossible passwords while offering solid protection – many even store all this info securely, so no mental note is needed!

Unfortunately, Sony may have had their data breached by a ransom group demanding cash, or its stolen data would be sold off to third parties. Some gamers appear anxious over this prospect and want to delete their PlayStation accounts to reduce the risk of financial details being acquired. Still, this should never become necessary with strong, rotating passwords in place and password management apps as safeguards.

In 2011, Sony was the victim of an unprecedented cyberattack that saw their PlayStation Network go offline for 20 days, and reported that over 77 Million PSN accounts were leaked online. reported that this alleged cyberattack does not approach that seen in 2011. Some experts speculated that data breach claims might not be genuine, which explains Sony’s apparent low-key reaction. A spokesperson from Sony stated: “We are currently conducting our investigation of the situation.”

Although Sony and PlayStation accounts can often remain secure from breach, it would still be wise to change your passwords as quickly as possible if anything were to change in an emergency. You can implement two-step verification on them for added peace of mind or use two-factor authentication when signing into PSN or making purchases; better safe than sorry!

PlayStation gamers should immediately modify settings in order to avoid potential error and possible harm to the console.
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