Red Dead Redemption 2 DLC petition currently boasts more than 10,000 signatures.
Red Dead Redemption 2 has seen immense success despite not receiving any expansions or DLC, prompting fans to create petitions calling for extra content.
Since Red Dead Redemption 2’s launch in 2018, its reception has been met with universal critical praise; even some fans admitting to be particularly amazed. Unfortunately, despite endless calls from its fan base for new content to add into Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar remains tight-lipped, leading modders to step in with new ideas such as running their own gun store mods such as seen recently with Red Dead Redemption 2.
Still, fans haven’t given up without a fight and some have even taken to petitioning for single player Red Dead Redemption 2 DLCs; one petition currently ongoing has 11,563 signatures out of its target goal of 15,000 and calls for one: it states: “Let our voices be heard: we want Red Dead Redemption 2 single player DLC – even if it means paying.”
Fans quickly responded positively to the petition, with several signing to demonstrate their support. One supporter noted, “I will never pay a single microtransaction; but would happily purchase single player DLC,” whilst another agreed: “Since RDR2 came out, I have thought this way – that it would be better off paying more content such as DLC that impacts plans for an RDR3.”
“Recent comments seem to encapsulate what many supporters feel: ‘I absolutely loved RDR2’s single player mode; it was truly incredible!” However, [Red Dead Online] does not hold my interest at all – I would gladly pay another $20-30 or so for some new single player content or maybe even $60, but Rockstar won’t receive my cash through online microtransactions! We want single player DLC!”
Rockstar will likely find much support among fans for any DLC content they release in response to fan demands for more of what is desired by them.