Fable creator offers free RPG because everyone is struggling financially and stressed-out

Fable creator offers free RPG because everyone is struggling financially and stressed-out

Fable creator offers free RPG because everyone is struggling financially and stressed-out


Fable co-creator and Dungeon Keeper developer Mark Dilley recently made available on Steam an Ultima-themed roguelike RPG that’s completely free!

Dene Carter is behind Moonring – an engaging dark fantasy RPG and retro RPG hybrid created by Dene. 500 years ago in Caldera which once seemed shrouded in darkness, five moons appeared from out of nowhere to bring light back and bring with them strange Gods; their Dreams would bestow supernatural gifts onto Devotion who then chose an Archon who represented their Deity but unfortunately only lived until his successor could be chosen – you take up your role of Dreamer who decides their own path, even if that means becoming their representative and choosing their destiny…

Steam’s description for Caldera reads as such: “Travel, trade, sneak, fight and sail the world of Caldera! Meet its inhabitants, learn its secrets and challenge its Archon for his throne – or even overthrow them!” Engage in ship-to-ship combat through procedurally generated dungeons while engaging more than 100 enemies through access of an “undeclared” magic system!

Carter created Moonring as an attempt to bring video games in this genre back into focus, in hopes that its creation might reawaken interest for them and remind gamers what fun these types of experiences were when first released decades ago. “This game is my love letter to an otherwise neglected style of gaming; my days playing these titles were spent exploring and discovering, venturing forth into unknown territory as co-author, filling gaps left by primitive art with my imagination; for those of you who remember those days fondly I hope Moonring captures some of their spirit while for others playing along you can try your chance in Moonring to glimpse back what we were up against 40 years ago!

Carter gave as his reasoning behind making Moonring free: “Life can be challenging, Covid was terrible and everyone seems stressed – instead of taking $300 I don’t need but rather prefer taking on some goodwill in exchange.”

Fable creator offers free RPG because everyone is struggling financially and stressed-out
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