Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue can be vastly enhanced through one small modification.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue can be vastly enhanced through one small modification.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue can be vastly enhanced through a tiny modification.


Red Dead Redemption 2’s Epilogue chapter offers an upbeat ending, yet once more, thanks to one creator, you can enhance your playing experience immensely.

As fans will recognize, Red Dead Redemption 2’s Epilogue chapter allows players to step back into John Marston’s shoes after his departure after Red Dead Redemption’s events. Showing him an attempt at making peace and finding happiness between wife and child, this heartwarming chapter offers heartbreaking secrets – making an already fantastic experience even more significant with one additional mod.

GuiCORLEONEx794’s Nexus Mods offering, the John Marston Restoration Project, seeks to recreate John’s original hair, head and body models, fix clothes, and add NPC assets that were removed for various reasons in previous versions of his game. Including this mod into your game experience’ll significantly enhance playing as John Marston and separate his character as much from Arthur as possible.”

The Project restores Marston’s beta models from pre-release screenshots while adding clothing items from his NPC model and new items that can be bought from any Fence under their “Buy” option. Once purchased, these pieces can be found in your wardrobe anytime! Before trying this mod, review its requirements so it runs seamlessly within your game environment.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s ending can be emotionally wrenching; we wouldn’t wish it on anyone again without being prepared with tissues and someone to lean on when playing it again, yet fans have recently recognized its scenes as one of gaming’s most moving moments. As for what Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption series will deliver next time, hopefully, we will all be more emotionally resilient!

Red Dead Redemption 2 Epilogue can be vastly enhanced through one small modification.
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