Photorealistic horror game forces players to restart every time they scream in horror.

Photorealistic horror game forces players to restart every time they scream in horror.

Photorealistic horror game forces players to restart every time they scream in horror.


My default reaction when playing scary games is screaming; therefore, a horror title like DON’T SCREAM, which resets every time someone does, is my worst fear. Built using Unreal Engine 5, DON’T SCREAM offers short horror experiences like no other title available today!

DON’T SCREAM (spoiler alert: you probably will!) is the latest photorealistic horror game from independent developers Joure & Joe. “Scream and you restart,” reads its Steam synopsis, so exploration for 18 minutes without screaming should prove challenging but worthwhile – making for the ideal way to scare friends and family without disturbing the peace – thus necessitating microphone usage (MICROPHONE REQUIRED!)!

With an explicit disclaimer that states the game takes no responsibility for underwear that “may become unusable should you play our game,” its aim is solely to scare players silly. Likee 2021’s Before Your Eyes, which tracked players blinking via webcam, DON’T SCREAM also allows users to plug microphones and track how loud noises restart gameplay – similar to using webcams for Before Your Eyes; instead, any loud sounds restarting it too would reset play – although for safety’ sake I suggest refraining from eating crisps!

Experienced in 90s camcorder fashion, you are challenged to explore “Mysterious Pineview Forest” within 18 minutes – not an easy task when everything depends on staying quiet and moving fast enough! DON’T SCREAM promises “dozens of dynamic scares,” with each playthrough promising something different each time! Developers also note that it “makes for the perfect game to scare the pants off your friends and family; indeed, our lead playtester (also my wife!) is currently recovering”.

If you think you can handle the challenge, DON’T SCREAM is currently available as early access, with its full release expected sometime during 2023.

Photorealistic horror game forces players to restart every time they scream in horror.
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