Starfield player discovers an environment which serves as an XP farm
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Starfield player discovers an environment which serves as an XP farm

Starfield player discovers an environment which serves as an XP farm


What We Want: XP! When We Want It: Preferably Now, but I won’t mind traveling elsewhere to acquire it. Luckily for Starfield players, one fellow spacefarer has discovered one planet that rewards an abundance of XP if one doesn’t mind killing people for it!

Starfield from Bethesda RPG developer sees players exploring thousands of planets, taking down space pirates, and encountering some NSFW aliens – with each level up yielding extra perk points as you earn experience points (XP). While you can gain this through numerous means – farming being just one method! – but earning these experience points remains vitally essential to leveling up.

Farmers who need assistance now can thank one Reddit user who shared their secret: the Schrodinger III planet. While you won’t find cats there, you will discover an abundance of experience gained by setting up outposts and harvesting kills – something we see demonstrated during one Reddit post where players stood on top of ships overlooking the planet before shooting at creatures minding their own business and leveling up quickly through mass killing. Thousands of experience points were amassed quickly from such massacres, which enabled level up within seconds!

Although many actions in Starfield can be considered illegal, the deliberate destruction of an animal species won’t incur legal repercussions. It won’t incur penalties from our criminal justice system – something our own Kate was kind enough to discuss during her glowing review!

“Starfield offers plenty of opportunity for criminal acts. How you commit them depends solely upon how stealthily and discreetly you commit them,” wrote she. As she put it: “May I offer some advice? When throwing grenades into public areas – as I learned myself without intending it – be wary. Accidentally pressing RB instead of LB led me down an unfortunate path where an army shot at me instead of opening up my scanner as planned – leading me down into Neon and leading up the path I intended – I never want to repeat that experience; rather, I hid in corners while shouting ‘I don’t want space jail!’ before running away.”

Starfield player discovers an environment which serves as an XP farm
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