As soon as a Skyrim player consumes all available foods and ingredients at once

As soon as a Skyrim player consumes all available foods and ingredients at once

As soon as a Skyrim player consumes all available foods and ingredients at once


One Elder Scrolls player wanted to see what would happen when one consumes everything available in Skyrim, just for fun.

Bethesda Games still attracts many players today who consider The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim one of their best titles; many enjoy playing it usually, while others look for ways to break it in any possible way.

These experiments often produce some hilarious moments due to Skyrim’s outdated game engine; one medieval scientist even came up with the brilliant plan of eating all consumable items simultaneously for maximum amusement! The results can indeed be stunning!

Reddit user amelix34 shared the results of their experiment via video: “I spent about 20,000 gold to buy all food and ingredients available from major cities to see what would happen if I used all these supplies at once.

After devouring his entire inventory of items, amelix34’s character was quickly consumed in white light that suddenly burst forth, collapsing onto the ground and succumbing to instant death – certainly worth investing 20,000 gold into such wasteful behaviour!

Other players were delighted by this, giving their best guesses as to what caused their deaths and visualizing what must have transpired for all NPCs present at that momentous occasion.

Consumption of Jarrin Root has the highest probability of killing you; doing so causes 1000 points of damage,” wrote one user.

“For me, the twitching and blood spurting was enough,” another individual observed.

The third person wrote, “Your character evokes vivid images in my head of someone scurrying through Riverwood with a massive bag full of food worth more than their homes before stopping abruptly to open and devour all at an astonishing speed before finishing his meal with three bottles of Skooma! Brilliant.”

Personally, I believe cheese wheels will prove fatal; too much cholesterol is known to be fatal.

As soon as a Skyrim player consumes all available foods and ingredients at once
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