PlayStation users share free store credit hacks.

PlayStation users share free store credit hacks.

PlayStation users share free store credit hacks.


Have you heard of girl maths and man maths? Well, now it’s time to discover PlayStation maths! I don’t need to do all the heavy lifting myself here, as one player has shared an invaluable credit PSA that will save money every month!

Many gamers will already know of PlayStation Stars – it is an open loyalty points scheme where anyone can collect points (known as stars) whenever playing specific titles or accomplishing in-game goals. Other consoles provide similar programs; Nintendo Switch even gives points every time someone makes purchases via its online Nintendo Store! So far, so simple. But herein lies where things become surprising.

PS Stars may seem cost-cutting at first glance; however, in reality, they don’t always compare favourably in terms of savings. Let’s use Dredge as an example: 6250 points correspond to PS25 while 5000 nets you a PS20 store credit; usually, Dredge sells on the store at PS19.99 but is currently available at only PS15.99 through Reddit, according to Gadafo on Reddit.

“Even when not advertised directly, points conversion still favours store credit over purchasing games directly – so as a quick public service announcement from PlayStation Stars: always do the math when redeeming points rewards”.

At first, other PS users offered affirmation by emphasizing one piece of advice above all others: always opt for PlayStation Store Credit instead. darthvirgin explained why: “Pretty sure that redeeming Stars credits for games instead of purchasing PS Store credits has no upsides at all – especially considering games often go on sale, so your Store credit goes further!”

However, while everyone who admires PlayStation should see this PSA, its crucial message should not be overlooked: Do not neglect Dredge as an excellent game if you prefer more relaxing experiences (it lets you fisherman!) with subtle yet disturbing undertones”.

Fishing gear on my back, I can confirm it has comforting vibes despite not always being relaxing when dealing with what lies below the water’s surface. But regardless of its relaxing properties, fishing is still an enjoyable pastime that leaves one reaching for their roll-neck jumper, a cup of hot chocolate in hand, and nestling into blanket forts made just before them – perfect!

PlayStation users share free store credit hacks.
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