Call of Duty: Warzone's Halloween event includes jump scares deemed too frightening by players.

Call of Duty: Warzone’s Halloween event includes jump scares deemed too frightening by players.

Call of Duty: Warzone’s Halloween event includes jump scares deemed too frightening by players.


Are jump scares ever too terrifying? As they form an integral component of visual horror, jumpscares add an essential sense of tension that gives horror its signature atmosphere – yet Call of Duty: Warzone seems to have gone too far with their Halloween event and made its jumpscares too terrifying!

I say this with great caution, but, honestly, I never play Call of Duty (CoD). While memes from fandom might tempt me occasionally, my only genuine interest lies elsewhere. Though I never played Warzone before, now I find myself seriously intrigued to give it another go because the player comments so far would cause my heartbeat to race like never before when something scary pops up!

One gamer voiced their displeasure loud and clear: “Bro, this just scared the bejeezus out of me today – F**king hate it!” Another elaborated on their dissatisfaction further by explaining: “The volume is deafening – actually damaging hearing with headphones on. In order to hear anything other than game noise anymore, I had to reduce it so much I couldn’t hear anything else besides game sounds – making playing impossible, in fact!”

Sounds are what is frightening most. A quick perusal through Reddit shows nearly everyone taking part in The Haunting event has one complaint in common: too loud!

Not only is volume an issue, but so too is frequency. A Redditor who experienced first-hand the frustration noted: “Frequency ranges between fun and annoying; I would consider them fantastic if they occurred randomly, but rather it seems they are happening so frequently as to disrupt tension building, yet in one room alone I saw three boxes have jumpscares!.”

And unfortunately, it’s something you cannot turn off, even though your settings indicate otherwise; Battle Pass only turns the scares off by default. It’s no fun being a scaredy-cat.

If zombie horror is your cup of tea, Modern Warfare III might have what you’re after: an open-world zombie thriller will soon make an appearance there! Although that remains some time off in terms of release dates and availability… it gives something exciting and scary to look forward to during the Halloween season… and could save the hospitalized from cheap thrills altogether. Happy haunted house hunting!

Call of Duty: Warzone’s Halloween event includes jump scares deemed too frightening by players.
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