Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers blessed feature after 1900 hours

Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers blessed feature after 1900 hours

Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers a blessed feature after 1900 hours.


Why is it that sometimes, when we need them most, we discover incredible quality-of-life features only after playing for over 1,900 hours?!? One Red Dead Redemption 2 player recently learned of an invaluable feature he found to be lifesaving after finding one such feature while looking up information for over 1,900 hours!

However, given how long it has taken them to realize this feature, its simplicity and relevance should have been evident from day one – yet many players only just discovered they could back their horse up recently! So, if you already know this feature – pat yourselves on the back for helping others understand this one! If not – be proud – many are only just realizing how useful you can back your horse up now.

Reversing your horse like a wagon entails no abrupt, awkward turns that send you careening in an unexpected direction, no accidental collision with other riders and boulders, and just a tap to your right bumper can help you get out of tight spots quickly – not only while riding your horse; wagons too can be reversed!

One surprised fan asked, incredulous: “Did they just tell us we can back up a wagon????,” while another admitted they had canceled missions because their wagon got stuck somewhere.” Clearly, RDR2 presents other difficulties besides horses when it comes to transport – something which I entirely relate to myself as an imperfect rider/driver myself (once leading a go-kart track the wrong way!). Trust is not something that should be granted me with the transport of any sort!

RDR2 was recently recognized for being “the greatest open-world game ever created,” so having horses that you can ride effortlessly without much difficulty can only be considered a blessing. Unfortunately, however, many are only just learning of its simplicity – one user even lamented, “… Reddit post was where I learned you can back up horses…” – though moving forward, we can all make use of this knowledge.

So get on your saddle and ride into your next playthrough or current one, knowing your horse can back you up as effectively as anyone’s daddy taught them (if that joke escapes you…). Combine this phenomenal feature with RDR2: Project New Austin 1907 expansion, and you will enter an entirely different gaming world!

Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers blessed feature after 1900 hours
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