Cyberpunk 2077 Publisher is offering two complimentary Elder Scrolls games now!

Cyberpunk 2077 Publisher is offering two complimentary Elder Scrolls games now!

Cyberpunk 2077 Publisher is offering two complimentary Elder Scrolls games now!


People tend to immediately think of Skyrim when discussing Elder Scrolls games – with its legendary editions, anniversary editions, DLC packs and continued popularity twelve years on from release – when discussing Elder Scrolls titles – yet other Elder Scrolls titles deserve your consideration too; GOG offers two for free this month alone!

Yes indeed – CD Projekt Red has done it again by offering both The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall and Arena for no charge other than download sizes. These older games may seem less well known compared to Skyrim; you might wonder why you should add them to your collection.

Malbethion first experienced Daggerfall for the first time in 2022 and declared it their favourite Elder Scrolls game, explaining on Reddit: “Daggerfall offers me plenty of customization that works for my needs; additionally, most Elder Scrolls lore was established there so it makes for interesting reading; finally you can access everything available later games (which generally pare back Daggerfall features)!”

Review scores for Daggerfall are excellent on Steam; with all reviews rating it as “very positive”, even with graphics dating back to an age when we thought the original Tomb Raider looked realistic (I remember saying so at one time!), some players believe Daggerfall surpasses Starfield! Regardless, Daggerfall remains captivating Elder Scrolls game that leaves an unforgettable impactful experience upon all who play it; all any true Elder Scrolls should.

But wait… What about Arena, I hear you ask? Well, it too earned a rating of 9/10 on Steam despite its age (it released back in 1994) and limited gameplay (it features only one map at any given time as opposed to sprawling open world releases in newer releases). Still, Arena found success due to its simplicity amongst many gamers: one fan noted: “I personally love Arena but can understand if others don’t – It certainly has its flaws though and only recommended for die hard fans of the series!”

Not perfect it may not be, but considering you get two lore-rich games that helped build and define Elder Scrolls is definitely priceless!

Cyberpunk 2077 Publisher is offering two complimentary Elder Scrolls games now!
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