Fans agree, Crazy Taxi deserves to return from hibernation soon.
Crazy Taxi was released as both an arcade game and for SEGA Dreamcast console in 2002, making waves with its groundbreaking racing mechanics that set a template many have since used in similar titles.
Reddit users have come together in support of Crazy Taxi, both celebrating its success and calling for its return. People loved its pick up-and-play style that introduced many players to bands such as The Offspring – as well as lots of early late 90s/early 2000s bands! Although its been ported onto several systems over time, we desperately require another entry in its series!
Reddit posts like these always bring back fond memories for me; I owned the Dreamcast version from day one and would play my stand-up arcade cabinet every weekend with friends. Reviving Crazy Taxi would be great fun; many Redditors also share my sentiment: at least once annually “I fire this up at least,” states u/JocoLabs; unfortunately SEGA has yet to revisit full Crazy Taxi but some aspects such as collecting customers and speeding them to their destinations has appeared occasionally; though one Reddiit user commented that SEGA only makes “Yakuza and middling Sonic games now” though this concept can also be seen within Yakuza as well as The Simpsons Road Rage as fans will also recognize it immediately!
Looking through the comments to the original post, most are filled with enthusiastic nerds quoting lyrics from this game’s iconic soundtrack – as soon as players launched it they heard “Ya ya ya ya!” from The Offspring’s All I Want by CopperSledge00 followed by other members quoting lyrics – it would make an excellent modern console remake release of this classic title!