Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 generally recognize Rains Fall as being among its most underappreciated characters.

Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 generally recognize Rains Fall as being among its most underappreciated characters.

Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 generally recognize Rains Fall as being among its most underappreciated characters.


Red Dead Redemption 2 players have taken to Reddit in droves to discuss a particular character from RDR2, Rains Fall the Native American from Red Dead Redemption 2, after one user asked “Is Rains Fall an underrated side character in RDR2?”.

Reddit users generally seem to agree, though many joke about his penchant for collecting herbs and flowers. One user responded saying he shouldn’t really be underrated but is “one of the most morally good characters”.

Replies to the original question do bring up valid points: one respondent said they felt there could have been more substance added to Rains Fall’s plotline and I particularly loved what wisdom Rains Fall provided the protagonist; such an endearing and tragic character!

“Rains Fall doesn’t get the attention and respect he deserves.” This may be related to Native Americans having “big roles in later half of RDR1”, according to u/Comrade_Belinski.

Reddit being Reddit, there were more humorous responses; such as when Arthur discusses an emotionally upsetting subject and Rains Fall interjects by saying they must stop for some ginseng! — as Fall loves his herb! This becomes an ongoing joke on Reddit.

Red Dead Redemption 2 offers an expansive cast of characters who are revered by its community, with several being particularly beloved by players in one thread of comments – Hamish Sinclair being noted by one player as being his ideal sidekick, according to another user named FolkyWanderer; another user (TrentonTallywacker) noted their favorite as being… “the hot air balloon guy!”

Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 generally recognize Rains Fall as being among its most underappreciated characters.
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