Ghost Of Tsushima 2 has officially been added to job listings.

Ghost Of Tsushima 2 has officially been added to job listings.

Ghost Of Tsushima 2 has officially been added to job listings.


Ghost of Tsushima 2 could soon see another release after an online job listing surfaced indicating its possible development.

Sucker Punch’s action-adventure title Ghost of Tsushima made waves upon its 2020 debut as one of the best game releases that year, telling its tale of an outshone samurai who journeys across Japan’s first Mongol invasion in order to defend his island during Mongol rule and protect the people within. Fans were left deeply moved by its moving story, beautiful visuals and challenging combat, yet no sequel had yet been confirmed or hinted at; now three years on and with no indications from Sucker Punch yet of its return; hopefully new job listings might offer hope?

Sucker Punch’s recent recruitment advertisement indicates they’re searching for two combat designers: Senior Combat Designer and Technical Combat Designer who “must have played Ghost of Tsushima and understand its core gameplay systems”, in addition to prototyping, polishing and balancing player abilities, combat actions and progression items (something which might provide clues as to whether sequel or expansion projects might currently be underway). This could potentially hint at something exciting happening within Sucker Punch in their development pipeline!

Alongside these roles, Sucker Punch is looking for an AI Systems Designer as part of their hiring strategy. According to their listing on for this role: “Sucker Punch has long been known for creating memorable characters like Sly Cooper, Bentley and Murray as well as Cole Delsin Fetch in Ghost Of Tsushima which introduced new levels of character depth in an Open World setting – we need someone who understands that for worlds to truly come alive they need compelling people inhabiting them! We require someone with knowledge that understanding to populate our world with intriguing people”.

Fans who praised Ghost of Tsushima as an “actual masterpiece” understandably want more – yet given some Sucker Punch developers are currently developing an action dinosaur title, we may have to wait before seeing Ghost of Tsushima 2.

Ghost Of Tsushima 2 has officially been added to job listings.
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