GTA 6 price leak has been widely condemned as disgusting by disappointed fans and is being called out as one of the worst decisions ever by developers.
Everyday it seems, another price leak for Grand Theft Auto 6 takes hold and sends my wallet into meltdown. Potential price leaks hit the internet recently and fans were far from pleased about them – an announcement has since confirmed this leakage on Twitter as a potential one.
Grand Theft Auto 6 fever has returned in force following recent speculation from multiple insider sources suggesting this week could finally mark an official announcement from Rockstar Games. Since being unannounced since its initial announcement back in February 2022, fans remain excited and speculation reigns on exactly how much we may owe for such a massive title.
Rumors circulated in July 2023 suggested that Grand Theft Auto 6 may cost $2 billion to develop and become the costliest entertainment product ever released, making it the costliest game ever sold – making GTA 6 an enormously anticipated release in recent memory – making its development and eventual purchase even more costly for fans than expected. As game prices hit $70 plus recently it becomes harder and harder to acquire new releases; yet fans may go far beyond just paying full retail to play GTA 6.
“Will people buy GTA 6 for $150 if the standard edition becomes available for sale?” asked one Reddit post. One user replied immediately with no reservations by responding with, “Not paying more than $700”, before correcting their mistake by writing, “Oops typo I meant 7K!” Another was less sure; while $150 may seem excessive they still bought their copy (it had already been mentioned above as possible price ranges for GTA6)
Reddit thread discussions indicate a generally strong support among fans for Grand Theft Auto 6, perhaps unsurprising given Rockstar has built such an enormous fan base around this series over time. Still, however, remains to be seen whether players actually put money where their mouth is.