Red Dead Redemption 2 Nuevo Paraiso mod adds an expansive new world for players to explore in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Nuevo Paraiso mod adds an expansive new world for players to explore in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Nuevo Paraiso mod adds an expansive new world for players to explore in Red Dead Redemption 2.


RDR II mods have come as a godsend! In an age when creative fans may no longer get adequate nourishment from Rockstar Games, these modders keep RDR alive by giving its players new experiences such as exploring different locations, uncovering monsters and discovering fortunes!

The Neuvo Paraiso-Mexico Mod WIP adds an expansive new area to RDR II’s map; although welcome addition, players of its predecessor game might recognize some areas from past visits; only now this time it has undergone much-needed improvements!

However, this mod falls far short of perfection. Although offering additional exploration, its NexusMods page repeatedly informs its visitors of how “heavily unfinished” it remains; according to its user running it: if something looks off-kilter or seems missing from Casa Madrugada it might just be missing; I recommend visiting Casa Madrugada first for an idea of how other locations should aim to become one day.”

Reason being: this RDR mod’s creator wasn’t actually its original author – as evidenced by its mod page, Mexico Team originally maintained it before ultimately opting out and telling users they could “reupload this mod”, adding they didn’t care either way about preserving its legacy.

Additionally, all system requirements that must be considered before installing and playing this game can be found here, along with an indignant disclaimer from its modder: “Please for the love of god do not complain if using cracked versions; their frustration must have been palpable!…”

Though its shortcomings are acknowledged in advance by its creators, Neuvo Paraiso-Mexico Mod WIP looks great despite their shortcomings; you might even mistake it for an official expansion at first glance; its graphics definitely match those found within its source title “Neuvo Paraiso-Mexico.”

There are so many RDR II mods out there, it can be hard to keep up. Personally, however, that’s an exciting development; rather than mourn its premature demise with no new mods being discovered over time, having enjoyed playing it over many years thanks to these discoveries I would much rather keep playing for as long as possible with more mods becoming available and discovering.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Nuevo Paraiso mod adds an expansive new world for players to explore in Red Dead Redemption 2.
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