Ubisoft announced they have delayed Skull And Bones yet again as well as another major title, both being delayed until spring 2016.

Ubisoft announced they have delayed Skull And Bones yet again as well as another major title, both being delayed until spring 2016.

Ubisoft announced they have delayed Skull And Bones yet again as well as another major title, both being delayed until spring 2016.


Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, Ubisoft announces their Skull and Bones is delayed once more – yet again. I think by this stage most of us will just refuse to believe any differing news from them if and when anything changes!

Back in 2022 we delivered the devastating news that Skull and Bones was delayed again for yet another delay – this one being delayed several times more since. While unsurprising, this news remains extremely frustrating: Rockstar Games, Bethesda Game Studios, Ubisoft are making us wait years – not days, weeks or even months! – for games we have long anticipated.

Unbelievably, Ubisoft seems oblivious to how little profit their game would generate; instead it seems as though its aim is simply trying to recreate Black Flag without providing an interesting narrative; gaming fans are certainly not flocking to preorder the title (even though many could), yet Ubisoft gives this average game so much attention and coverage.

Ubisoft also disclosed a major title they’re working on–of which no one outside their team knows anything–would also be delayed until at least Q4 2024, though sales figures seem comparable with previous Assassin’s Creed releases.

Ubisoft appears to be on an upward spiral; delays aside, they seem intent on developing games we care nothing for – even those excited about Skull and Bones likely feel as though Christmas will never arrive again if these delays continue. Not that Skull and Bones would break records or anything like that but I think at some point launch will come at least sooner rather than later; at the very least I hope a launch takes place before our boredom sets in reading about more delays!

After so long, GTA VI fans must be feeling very frustrated; but at least there’s the promise of an amazing game at the end.

Ubisoft announced they have delayed Skull And Bones yet again as well as another major title, both being delayed until spring 2016.
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