BioShock Unreal Engine 5 Remake is an astonishing work of beauty.

BioShock Unreal Engine 5 Remake is an astonishing work of beauty.

BioShock Unreal Engine 5 Remake is an astonishing work of beauty.


Fans always show how dedicated they are by giving fans what they want – in this instance a remake of BioShock was imagined thanks to an outstanding fan-made project!

BioShock fans may feel in the middle of something of a BioShock drought right now; Netflix plans on producing a film adaptation and Francis Lawrence (best known for overseeing all but one Hunger Games movie) has signed on as director. Lawrence knows all too well what it means to handle an epic tale such as that found within BioShock 4. Unfortunately though, due to delays with its script being written up (rumours suggest 2028 is when BioShock 4 might launch), we may cling on tightly to fan-made remake trailers like these in hopes of giving us something tangible from this iconic franchise!

This trailer, produced by YouTube user noodlespagoodle, recreates BioShock using Unreal Engine 5. It perfectly captures its essence without needing me to explain its features – let the trailer speak for itself below.

Since noodlespagoodle originally posted his remake project, we don’t know whether or not its scope has increased; still, sometimes daydreaming and asking “What if?” can be fun. Even if this project never advances further than this stage alone, its impactful success shows us just how much BioShock fans appreciate this form of expression!

“This game captures BioShock perfectly: its graphics were groundbreaking at its release.” wrote one fan; another complimented: “You replicated Rapture perfectly by recreating its feel and sound!” A third commented “I would so want to play this – its incredible!” though we will probably have to patiently await BioShock 4 before doing so!

BioShock Unreal Engine 5 Remake is an astonishing work of beauty.
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