Hogwarts Legacy's Night Curfew Has Been Hailed As Amazing By Eager Fans

Hogwarts Legacy’s Night Curfew Has Been Hailed As Amazing By Eager Fans

Hogwarts Legacy’s Night Curfew Has Been Hailed As Amazing By Eager Fans


Hogwarts Legacy made waves earlier in 2015 and while its hype may have subsided since, fans of Harry Potter still can’t seem to get enough.

Hogwarts Legacy takes place during the 1890s, long before Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter came about. Created by Avalanche Software, you play as an intriguing yet mysterious student entering Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during its fifth-year session to the amazement of students and tutors alike.

Hogwarts Legacy provides hours of adventure whether playing main story missions or exploring Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade Village – no matter your play style! But while fans appreciate all that it offers them, many fans want more out of the action RPG and have one major request for Hogwarts Legacy 2.

Prior to the arrival of its sequel, fans are making necessary improvements to the original game; such as this mod that remasters Hogwarts Legacy while adding additional content. Another outstanding mod praised by fans is Night Curfew from independent developer nathdev.

Fans of Harry Potter know that students shouldn’t stay beyond curfew at Hogwarts; otherwise they risk punishment from teachers and/or authorities. With that in mind, Hogwarts Legacy by Nathdev takes this idea one step further by turning it into an interactive mini-game experience.

Attempt to avoid roaming Hogwarts halls during curfew hours during curfew hours if caught by prefects as you will be forced back into your Common Room with 100 Knuts fine taken as punishment from you and sent back home shamefully with extra 100 Knut penalties applied as penalties by keeping an updated minimap handy which shows when those pesky prefects may be nearby; The Night Curfew mod can be downloaded free via Nexus Mods.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo Switch users will have their chance to experience it as of November 14th 2023 (assuming no further delays occur).

Hogwarts Legacy’s Night Curfew Has Been Hailed As Amazing By Eager Fans
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