How To Gamble Like a Dragon Gaiden: Unlock Betting Matches

How To Gamble Like a Dragon Gaiden: Unlock Betting Matches

How To Gamble Like a Dragon Gaiden: Unlock Betting Matches


Money makes the world go round, and that sentiment holds true in Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. Not only do you need funds for new equipment purchases and Kiryu upgrades; finding ways to acquire extra income as soon as possible will enable your goal of becoming stronger more quickly.

One of the fastest ways to earn quick money in Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name is entering Gambling Matches at the Coliseum. However, if you need assistance unlocking and entering these matches then this guide offers everything you need to know on how to enter Gambling Matches in Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name.

The Coliseum comprises four ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. As you advance through these ranks, new fights and locations within The Castle become available; additionally if all matches associated with one rank have been played completely then by speaking with certain NPCs, an exclusive promotional match for that rank can be unlocked; Silver matches can be unlocked by doing all Bronze rank matches as well as talking to NPC in Coliseum Lobby while speaking to VIP Lounge NPC and speaking about Gold matches unlocked as soon as all Silver ranks matches have been played – Gold ranks will unlock special promotional matches when speaking with all matches associated with that rank’s matches done completely;

As soon as you’ve completed Promotional Matches, certain NPCs will send Kiryu an email regarding Gambling Matches; to take part, speak to these characters again until the Silver or Gold rank Gambling Match opens up, whereby you’re eligible to participate. From then onward, enter those matches to gain even more money!

Gambling Matches work like any other wager: when placing money down for one of them, your opponent becomes tougher as more is bet upon. If you win, double what was bet upon and if not win all your bet. Silver Gambling Match has a betting limit of 1 million yen while for Gold you may wager up to 10 million. Silver matches take just minutes while 10 Million gives more difficult fights but higher rewards! Once completed you may experience temporary inaccessibility after which another email notification will come your way telling you when and how best to speak to an NPC again.

Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name can now be played across PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X & S consoles.

How To Gamble Like a Dragon Gaiden: Unlock Betting Matches
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