Star Citizen will soon be free for play – for an indefinite period of time!


Star Citizen was one of the most expensive crowdfunded games ever, yet you can now access it for free for a limited time period.

After 10 years in alpha development and nearly $600 millions raised through crowdfunders, Star Citizen still isn’t finished; but you can play now and decide whether more funding should be poured into its development.

Starting November 17 to 30 at the 2023 Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, Star Citizen will be available completely for free playback for expo visitors to experience various aspects of its gameplay such as sampling over 100 ships to venture forth into space exploration.

Simply set up a Star Citizen account, download and install the game client, and enjoy! As of now there may be discounts or referral codes for additional content; but for $40 the base game alone should suffice.

Star Citizen has long made waves as it steadily works its way through development, drawing headlines due to its glacial pace of development. Most aspects of its core game (mission threads and core story) have now been completed; yet many doubt whether or not Star Citizen will ever reach completion and become available as a full product release.

Still, people continue to fund this PC exclusive project due to its attractive gameplay: PvP modes, missions to complete, cargo to carry and hundreds of ships pilotable – it all makes the game an enticing prospect! At least you have some chance at experiencing its core features first-hand before making a decision about backing this hefty project!

Star Citizen will soon be free for play – for an indefinite period of time!
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